our dear SG member

Created by David 2 years ago
TRIBUTE- Marian Kimani
Mirema road / drive safari group
26th January 2022

Marian was a very active member of our SG since inception, helping in conceiving and implementing great ideas.
Marian had the heart that cared completely, and a smile that brought immeasurable pleasure that one would not fail to notice.She had the love that brought joy beyond measure.

She came into our lives, for a little-while and has left memorable footprints on our hearts, and She has left a gap that will be difficult to fill. She was our GT Events (jiachilie) organizer, Very calm, friendly and  reassuring. Dear she was to all of us.She suggested wonderful games that left the members in ecstasy.She opened her house for fellowship, movie nights as we ate  popcorns.
But we are reminded in Revelation 21:4  and I quote 
‘And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death.’
What to say ?
Another beautiful soul gone to be with the Lord,
 She is in His Heaven, and though He takes away, He always leaves to mortals, 
new found comfort, when we, on Him, will lean.
To Alex Thayu and the entire family , May the Lord give you this new found comfort and Peace.We will continue to pray for you Alex ,Baby Thayu and your extended family.