Deskmates, friends & a shared hope.

Created by Enock 2 years ago

I met Marian in 1997 when I joined Olympic Primary School in Class 6. We become classmates all the way till class 8. She was always 'Top 10' in class; more often than not, among the top 3. For those who know Olympic during those days, you know the kind of competition that was there. Coming from my former school where I was always in the lead, it was a huge blow during my first term to find myself nowhere among the top 10.

Something interesting then was that seating arrangements every new term was allocated based on class position in the previous exams. By the time we got to class 7, I had recovered from the initial blow and had the pleasure of being almost constant deskmates with Marian till our exit from the school. I'm grateful to have known her and her family during those early days. I remember her diligence in class, her excellence in academics and her neatness all round. I admired her and was challenged by her. We became good friends and had the opportunity of interacting again briefly at CITAM Woodley (Class of '03 ex-candidates) and JKUAT.

More than deskmates and friends, I cherish and rejoice in the fact that we shared a living faith and hope in our LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ. My condolences to the entire family during this time of bereavement. We look forward to meeting Marian again in the bosom of our Father.

"Brothers and sisters, we want you to know about people who have died so that you won’t mourn like others who don’t have any hope. Since we believe that Jesus died and rose, so we also believe that God will bring with him those who have died in Jesus."
I Thessalonians 4:13-14
Enock Maseru